C-36 Approaches, best practices and resources to promote diversity

Animation : Coalition des familles LGBT

Descriptif de la présentation : Schools are a primary social structure for youth and social relationships with peers are a central part of students’ lives. Research shows that schools, and the social interactions that take place in them, can play a stabilizing or destructive role for young people, particularly if they are experiencing emotional stress. School environment and school connectedness can be determining factors in a young person’s educational experience. Unfortunately, a number of recent studies have raised the alarm about the prevalence of homophobic and transphobic bullying as well as gender-based harassment. The violence – be it verbal, physical or psychological – in schools, can have negative consequences on all youth. The resulting isolation can have a number of impacts: on the cognitive level a lack of information on LGBT realities, on the emotional level, a lack of support. How can we promote inclusion for sexual and gender diversity in these school settings? This workshop will look at available resources for elementary and high schools:

  • Promoting diversity
  • Deconstructing stereotypes
  • Encouraging Empath
  • Promoting inclusion in sports
  • Encouraging discussions about LGBT realities

Notes biographiques : La Coalition des familles LGBT est un organisme communautaire qui milite pour la reconnaissance légale et sociale des familles homoparentales et transparentales au Québec. Un autre mandat de la Coalition est de créer de nouvelles ressources qui peuvent être utilisées dans les écoles primaires et secondaires, les garderies, les cabinets médicaux, les organismes communautaires ou, encore, les services sociaux afin de sensibiliser le public à propos de la diversité des structures familiales, ainsi que du problème de l’homophobie et de la transphobie en milieu scolaire.